I am excited to show you all my first attempt at animation and also my first time using flash. It's nothing fancy, but I am proud of it considering how intimidated I was by the idea of animation. It's also very satisfying seeing my little buddies come to life.
Oh! You gotta click on the link! It will start automatically. The linked text is "my very first attempt at animation". Sorry, I guess it is kind of difficult to see.
Very cute!!! I want to learn!
How do I make it go?
Oh! You gotta click on the link! It will start automatically. The linked text is "my very first attempt at animation". Sorry, I guess it is kind of difficult to see.
You know, for a first go that's really pretty damn good. I even like the gratuitous squash and stretch.
As an aside, it took me this long to realize you might have answered my question here instead of like, in my email or something. Sorry.
This is such fun! :)
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