I've decided to give the
'this is...' meme a shot. I always enjoy reading others entries, so here I go! For this week we were asked by
pottymouthmama to share our favorite children's book. I have many childhood favorites, everything from Beatrix Potter to the Berenstain Bears. But one that I always really got a kick out of is 'Manners Can Be Fun' by Munro Leaf. The illustrations are kind of horrible in a really great way, and I feel as though I appreciate them in my adult life far more than I ever did in my childhood. I must have read through this book thousands of times with my brothers as a kid, and I'm not really sure if it ever taught us any better about manners, but we did end up calling each other out whenever we behaved like any of the not so nice kids in the book: The pigs, the whineys, the noiseys, the me first, the bragger, the show-off, the won't wash. Whew, and that is just to name a few.
Here are a few photographs from our version. This book got so much use that the spine has almost completely withered away and is being held together by tape! The copy of the book that we own was stolen from our elementary school library by my older brother. Talk about bad manners!